Eli Cabot When life gives you razor blades, you make a baseball bat... covered in razor blades..
• full name Elias Peter Cabot • nicknames Eli • age + birth date 9.12.1985, 30 • hometown sleepy hollow, ny • residence sleepy hollow, ny • occupation firefighter • sexuality + status single & straight

In the world we now live in, finding a genuinely good person is as equivlient to finding a needle in a haystack, and when you do find that good person it is nearly impossible to believe they are actually as good as they seem. Elias Cabot is that needle and has been since the day he was born, it must be that he was raised by twof incredibly selfless individuals who opted out of having a child the natural way, and adopted a baby in need instead.

Peter and Katie Cabot had been together fifteen years and married eight when they decided they were ready to become parents. There was nothing wrong with either of them yet they felt they would be much better parents if they gave a home to a child in need rather than add another number to the population of an already growing world. when the couple was prepared to be parents, they were already within grasp of that senior discount both being in their late forties and while they did understand how others may not approve of the older couple adopting a child at such a late age, afraid they could miss out on some key moments, they didn't care what anyone else said. The reason they waited so long to have a child was mainly because they wanted to be sure they were financially stable to do so and by the time they were ready, they were. Peter was a very successful real estate broker and Katie was a public defender, fighting the good fight for the people unable to afford one of their own. They wanted to be sure they could have time and set a good example for the child and this was the time for that. They had discussed at length who would do what when they found the child they desired, and Peter was more than willing to take some time off of work and become a stay at home dad while Katie continued to work and help support the family they wished to grow.

By the time the Cabot's found Eli he was already four years old and had been taken from his home two times. His mother was a teenager who was viewed as unfit due to her heavy partying and the fact that she was basically living on the streets and left Eli with a teacher when she went out to drink. The second they met, they knew they had found the newest addition to their family. Despite having spent several nights crying and cold on the streets of New York, the young boy was energetic, excited, always talking and didn't even seem bothered by the fact that he had been taken away from his mother. He asked about the teenager a few times when he was first taken from her, but after a few days apart, it was as if she had vanished from his mind. After a few months of visits with the Cabots, they were finally given the green light to take him home on a trial basis and the boy fit right in. By the time he was taken home, they had already created a room for him full of all the toys he could want, video games, and the part he loved the most, his own bed. At four years old he had spent his entire life sleeping on boxes or on couches, he had never had a bed to call his own so when he finally had a place that was just his, he fell in love with it as well as the people who had saved him. The Cabots were just the people to show this poor little boy a life he could only dream of until that point.

When they first took him in, friends and neighbors of the Cabots told them to watch out, foster kids could be ungrateful, could be troubled, they were worried that Eli would grow up to be a hooligan and rarely gave him much of a chance. Despite the negative out-poor from the neighbors, friends and family, Eli grew to become a very good, warm, loving young boy. He thrived in school, he made friends incredibly easily, he loved to learn, he loved to read, by the time high school hit he was one of the more popular kids. He was in the top percent of his class, all honors classes, played football and hockey, worked two jobs because he wanted to help support his parents as they grew older, and even became president of his senior class. Eli was the boy who would approach the new kid in school and take them in under his wing, he would protect anyone whom he thought was being bullied, he would befriend everyone who he thought needed a friend. In his yearbook he was voted every single year as the nicest boy, all of this was taught to him by the Cabots, the people who showed him what a good person really is.

Eli went on to attend college at NYU where he studied Sociology, he used to want to find a career in such a field but following graduation he realized that was not the path he really wanted to take. All Eli wanted to do, was make a difference in the lives of others, he wanted to help people which is why at the age of twenty-three, he decided to become a firefighter and save lives. His parents were a bit skeptical of this decision at first, but knowing the boy they raised they knew that only he could make this decision and supported it. He has now been working the job he considers his dream job for almost seven years and while he has seen some sights that haunt him daily, he would never consider any other path, this is the job for him and this is where he belongs.


father mother cousin cousin cousin peter cabot katie cabot

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